December Students of the Month

The following students were chosen by their teachers as Students of the Month for their grade level. Students of the Month receive a pizza during the last Friday of the month and recognition on Morning Meeting. 
6th Grade
Bruno Machado - Bruno’s passion for learning and strong work ethic make him a joy to teach.  He is a model Southwood student, treating others with empathy and kindness while always doing the best he can.  
Hadleigh Rethi - Hadleigh strives for success and always puts her best foot forward.  She is helpful to her classmates and teachers, and she is a strong participant in class, asking good questions and sharing her ideas. 
7th Grade 
Zamiyah Latimer - Zamiyah advocates for herself and is kind to everyone. She always has a smile on her face and speaks to everyone she sees spreading her joy to all. She is hard working never making an excuse but always looking to improve. 
Aiden Webb - Aiden is a bright spot in the room. He is willing to share his knowledge and supplies. He will help anyone around him. He doesn’t make excuses but just puts in the work. He is a pleasure to teach and be around. 
8th Grade 
Tessa Dobrin - Tessa is an excellent student and very diligent with her work.  She is respectful and kind to everyone. Tessa takes pride in her work and always gives a hundred percent in all that she does in class. 
Hannah Magin - Hannah is a hard working, conscientious young lady.  She is thoughtful and respectful to everyone. Hannah’s character exemplifies a good role model for her classmates.