SAA wins Awards at First Robotics Scrimmage

Shout out to our Robotics Club! Three teams of students competed yesterday at AIT in a Robotics scrimmage with school from across the county. Two of our teams walked away with awards. The Ghostbusters won the Excellence Award, which is the highest award given during the scrimmage! The Roombas won the Sportsmanship Award! Very proud of all of the teams and the work they do each week learning more about coding and working with this technology!
The Ghostbusters: Constance Seemuller, Lillian Callaham, Madelyn Clemow
The Roombas: Logan Maeger, Talon Foster, Benjamin Thomas
The Raiders: Hazel Perry, Carter Wilson, Zach Eddy
The Robotic Squirrels: Alondra Chimal, Daniella Bautista Moreon, Ava Ward, Kaitlyn Fant, Quinasia Pickens