January Students of the Month

Congratulations to the January Students of the Month!
The following students were chosen by their teachers as Students of the Month for their grade level. Students of the Month receive a pizza during the last Friday of the month and recognition on Morning Meeting.
6th Grade
Eli Gooden - Eli is always prepared for class. He works well with his classmates and maintains a good attitude. Eli gives 100% every day and takes pride in his work. He is an an exemplary student.
Leah Smith - Leah is a hard working and kind student. She always gives 100% in her academic assignments as well as in Dance. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to her teachers and peers.
7th Grade
Sarah Vuknic - Sarah is an excellent young lady who is always prepared. She is respectful and kind to everyone. She consistently puts forth her best effort and asks great questions when doesn’t understand.
Aaron Pabst - Aaron is a kind young man who completes his work to the best of his ability. He is willing to answer questions and ask for help when needed.
8th Grade
Lillian Mize - Lillian is very polite and friendly to everyone she meets. She is a hard worker and always ready to answer questions. Her overall pleasant attitude makes everyone feel a touch of happiness.
Alondra Chimal - Alondra is a genuinely good person. She is always respectful and demonstrates a great attitude. She is very conscientious and willing to give all she has in her work.