February Students of the Month

Congratulations to the February Students of the Month!
The following students were chosen by their teachers as Students of the Month for their grade level. Students of the Month receive a pizza during the last Friday of the month and recognition on Morning Meeting.
6th Grade
Lexie Greene
Lexie is a sweet student who puts forth her best effort daily. She asks great questions, contributes to group discussions, and is polite and respect to everyone. Lexie is a wonderful example of a sixth grader.
Christian Bautista Moreno
Christian is a bright student who works hard in his arts and academic classes. He is kind towards his teachers and peers. Christian is a dependable and helpful student. You can count on Christian to do the right thing, and he is an advocate for others.
7th Grade
Skye Brown
Skye is an awesome young lady who is always seen doing the right thing and working hard in all she does in academics and dance. Skye is an example student to others of what is expected from a Southwood student!
Marelyn Miranda Salazar
Marelyn is an incredible human. She works hard and is kind to everyone around her. She asks for help and always tries her hardest. Marelyn is a delight to have in class. 
8th Grade
William Buckner
William has shown tremendous growth and maturity in his academic classes.  His interactions with peers and teachers has improved throughout this year.  He is developing a work ethic to improve his success.
Kinsley Hetzel
Kinsley brightens every room she enters.  She actively participates and works hard to be successful.  Her personality and good nature makes all the difference.