April Students of the Month

The following students were chosen by their teachers as Students of the Month for their grade level. Students of the Month receive a pizza during the last Friday of the month and recognition on Morning Meeting.
6th Grade
Keva Vogel - Keva is a model Southwood student. She works hard in all she does. She is kind and considerate to her peers and teachers. Keva always gives 100% and has a positive outlook on life.
Kingsley Self - Kingsley is a hard working student. She is diligent in completing all assignments and always gives her best effort. She goes the extra mile to always do her best. 
7th Grade
Emma Bullock - Emma is one of the hardest working students and puts forth her best no matter the assignment. She listens, ask questions and helps her peers. She is kind, respectful and is always willing to go the extra mile. 
Ryelan Branyon - Ryelan is a gem of a human. He works hard and has a quiet but fantastic sense of humor. He will put in the extra effort to get his work right and on time. He advocates for himself and his peers and looks to solve problems creatively.  
8th Grade
Jordan Fellers - “Uniquely creative” sums up Jordan. Her quiet persona often masks her quick wit and her intellect.  Jordan is a hard working and dedicated student. She is inciteful, ready to participate, and often has a “comeback rebuttal” during discussions with perfect timing.
Elliot Clark - Elliot is a pleasure to teach.  She always has a smile on her face and a  positive attitude. Elliot is always kind and courteous to everyone. Her willingness to collaborate and her genuine interest in learning makes her a standout student.