Congratulations to our August Students of the Month!

Ellie W
"Ellie is an exemplary student. She works diligently in her academic and arts classes. She is kind to her teachers and peers. Ellie is a model Southwood student."
Mik J
"Mik has a positive attitude and gives his best effort daily. He works hard in his academic and arts classes. Mik represents Southwood well both at school and in the community."
Lillian A
"Lilly is an amazing young lady. She is always giving her best in all that she does. She is seen helping other students around her make better choices and be successful. Lilly is a great example of what it means to be a SAA student."
Kam H
"Kam is a joy to have in class. He is always doing what he should and doing it with a smile. He is eager to answer questions in class. Kam is an all around good young man inside and outside the classroom."
Pari S
"Pari is an outstanding student. She is always prepared and ready to learn. Her dedication to learning is evident in strings and every academic class. She is always respectful and kind to everyone."
Silas B
"Silas is a young man with a big heart and willing to help anyone. He works hard in his classes even when material gets tough. His smile will brighten any room and create a positive atmosphere. He is very respectful to his teachers and peers."